Category: ^_^

Dramatic Baroque art

rembrandtvanrijn_descent_from_the_crossDescent from the Cross by Rembrandt
I found this painting to be really dramatic.The way he used the color contrast is really interesting.
There’s alot of this going on in this painting and the focus point of this painting is really brighten but somehow he has managed to keep the painting balanced without letting the viewers eyes go out of the painting.
The balance of the image are also more inexpressive.

Baroque art

Dramatic Baroque art

rembrandtvanrijn_descent_from_the_crossDescent from the Cross by Rembrandt
I found this painting to be really dramatic.The way he used the color contrast is really interesting.
There’s alot of this going on in this painting and the focus point of this painting is really brighten but somehow he has managed to keep the painting balanced without letting the viewers eyes go out of the painting.
The balance of the image are also more inexpressive.



Just for fun

Just for fun

such a boring day so i thought of drawing some cute chibi manga
















Don’t be afraid to say whats on your mind

Or your heart

I know you have something to tell me

And I think I am waiting for you to ask me that question too

Life can be pretty hard

and when it comes for friends

They just know to make everything goes away

We might not be my friend still

But we can be

Its not impossible

I like you

If I didn’t get to see every morning

My day doesn’t feel complete

I think we should be friends

Starting today!

I am not ordering or something

This is just my opinion

But if you don’t like it

Then that will be fine

But still, I will be your friend for ever….

And I will always be there when you need a friend….




I know I like you, Stranger

And something tells me that you do too

But don’t ever expect that I would be

The first person to tell you about it


When it comes for situations like this

I could be so shy…

And I am person who thinks

These kinds of things are first said by boys

I think it’s their rights



Yep, I know

That might sound weird

But this is how I see things…

What to do,

I was raised this way..


I wish that you to be my life, Stranger…..

I want you!!!!!!

Just tell me that you wish for the same!!!