Category: learning new things

It is true what they say, “time doesn’t wait”

this year went by too fast. I’m a sophomore in college and i didn’t even get time to stop and feel what its like to be a freshman 😦

But happy that in another two years I’ll be able to go back to my country.

“Second Lives” at the Museum of Arts and Design

Second Lives: Remixing the Ordinary”, where over 50 artists and designers “transform the ordinary into extraordinary works of art.”
As the title of the show explains, ordinary items like used record covers, plastic spoons & forks and phonebooks are given another life by these extremely creative artists. There are: a big pyramid created with 9,273 plastic spoons & 3,091 rubber bands, a gorgeous chandelier made with hypodermic needles, and exoticjewellery made with safety pins, steel handgun triggers and wooden rulers.

The exhibition includes works by well known designers, Ingo Maurer, Tejo Remy, and the Campana Brothers as well as internationally acclaimed artists, such as Tara Donovan, Xu Bing, El Anatsui, and Do Ho Suh.

Second Lives” will be the inaugural exhibition at the Museum of Arts & Design when it opens in a new buildingat 2 Columbus Circle.

Link CS4: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words



I am so happy because I was able to make these pictures with the help of

I used Photoshop to create this  ^_^

You should try this too

Its sooo fun………. ^_^